Jitters depicts the battle that takes place within a person who deals with anxiety. We all have a desire to appear perfect and put together, but inside many suffer from crippling anxiety. The inspiration behind this project is to give a voice to those who silently suffer from anxiety and to bring awareness to those who do not personally experience anxiety.
Beyond the occasional nerves we all experience from time to time, 11% of all Americans experience some form of anxiety disorder on a day-to-day basis. This feeling is nearly impossible to express to those who don't experience anxiety at this magnitude. They aren’t able to see it, so for this reason, it often goes unnoticed. As a result, those with anxiety may be belittled or not taken seriously or even told, “oh you’re just nervous,” “you don’t seem anxious,” or “you look fine to me.”
In response, each image is inspired by a single word embodying the top anxieties people experience, which is then depicted as the chaos that results in what would otherwise be a cookie cutter image.
To achieve this, I asked a sample group of individuals who personally struggle with anxiety a simple question. If you could describe how you feel when anxious in one word what would it be?